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Introducting our newest sequel: Three Little Lady Bugs

Introducing Elina's newest                      book:
      Three Little Ladybugs,        find it on

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Elina Ivanov


How many writers do you know that also illustrate their own books? The answers is less than 200 authors since the beginning of time were able to do their own illustrations. And even fewer of them were children's book writers. Elina Ivanov is one of these very talented poet-authors, who paints with her words, and then paints with her brush. That is why her book's illustrations are so vivid and depict the stories so amazingly well.

 “A Little Bee” is the beautiful and heartwarming poem offering an enchanting world of nature with a gentle moral undertone. Combined with bright and charming illustrations, the story softly brings forward key features such as value of friendship, responsibility, and to enjoy always the things you do! Float along with Little Bee as it journeys through its day and feel yourself smile at the poem’s easy humor. “A Little Bee” is the first book in Elina’s series.

About the Little Bee

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Elina Ivonov 
Astra Publish LLC

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