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Elina Ivanov-Poet-Author-Illustrator 

Elina Ivanov is the author and illustrator of her books. Her life itself is a rich and versatile story spanning two continents, two totally different worlds, and having something to do with her grandmother, teaching her English at a very young age during jaunts in the boreal forests of Siberia.


Elina was born in Russia, in a beautiful town on the bank of the Yenisei River in the heart of Siberia.  She spent many hours in youthful exploration of the inviting landscapes around her. Independent and free, she wandered through dense boreal forests and climbed their trees. There was mushroom hunting and berry picking, swimming in small hidden lakes and napping on blankets in rye fields.  


Her passion for drawing began at the age of five. She was privileged to participate in an experimental elementary school program, which allowed her to study with a curriculum specifically designed for the Arts. Initially, she wished to play piano and study music, but it seemed that she more doodled in the music books than practiced her scales! Supported by both the design of the school curriculum and her parents’ encouragement, Elina continued to develop her skills.  


As a part of the Russian educational approach at the time, students read and memorized poetry, so Elina was introduced to great poets like Pushkin, Yesenin, and Tyutchev. She was enamored  with poetry and wrote her first poem in second grade. It was a poem about a phone call to a friend. Even though simple and grammatically incorrect, it sparked her passion and talent for writing in verses. Later, in high school, she continued her artistic pursuits- writing poems and exploring many forms of artistic expressions. Her initial love for painting and drawing grew, and after graduation she entered into a Classical School of Art to continue her education in the field. Her journey continued after graduation and sent her to America as an exchange student learning and perfecting her English. After several years of writing stories and painting as a hobby, she found her passion in Children’s Literature, adding to it her own beautiful illustrations. 


   “I think that Children’s Poetry is underestimated. Poetry is not only a story in verses with a certain message behind the words, but also it is a little engine that feeds the soul. There is a certain harmony that occurs when people read poems. Minds open and hearts fill with love and compassion. The world becomes a new place. Poetic words become their own melody with rhythm, flow and messages. Engage with it and pass that love to others.”


     “I’m very blessed with the opportunity to create my own illustrations. I connect the words, the message of it to the pictures that I envision. Through my stories and images, I pass onto the reader all the love and joy that is in my heart to their hearts. I can share myself with the world, contribute to the constantly changing lives of other people and be a part of it, support them and become their friend.”  


Elina resides in New Jersey with her husband, her three kids and a dog named Vinny.   

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