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EI Painting #7 Yellow Narcisi Only_edited.jpg
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One day you wake up and realize that the world is beautiful:

There’s a blue sky above you,

The wind gently plays with your hair,

The sun shines softly upon you.


You feel the perfect world is somewhere near,

 Within your reach,

And so, outstretch your hand.

Now then, bring it back and place it to your heart where it belongs,

While listening to Nature's soothing songs.   


It’s not out there 

The things you seek.

It is inside you:

You are alive and perfect from within.


Elina Ivanov

"A little bee one sunny day

Decided on a rest,

Among the fields of flowers

She’d dreamed of nap in petals best.


But when she happily flew by

A meadow full in bloom,

She couldn’t find a flower she liked –

Red, purple, white and pink

Or yellow, green and blue?"


Elina Ivanov (2021) A Little Bee

EI Painting 6 Blue Flowers_edited.jpg
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