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My Latest Observation

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

In this day and era, I see a great deal of devaluation of personal and professional values. People stopped paying for quality in products and services and wish to buy everything on sale. Truthfully, you can’t blame them. The manufacturers want more money and keep producing cheap, easily replaceable items. People stopped paying mind to one’s effort that goes into making something from scratch. They forgot what it takes to sew a dress or a pair of pants.

If the person who is sewing the pants puts all their heart into the production, wouldn’t you want to reward them for their effort, their personal contribution? What does it take to write a book? An inspiration? Good thought process coupled with the desire to create something for children? Drawing your heart on a paper and combining it with words, perhaps. I genuinely think that people should stop devaluing other’s efforts. It goes both ways. You should value your work, love what you do, and extend that onto other people.

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